Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


Heard would, the conservation of energy law that stated that energy could not be created and destroyed, could only change from one form to the other form. Nah, today I receive the email that was written by Jaya Setiabudi (was sent by the older brother). Evidently, according to Jaya, fortune was the same his matter with energy (was compared as energy). So roughly: “Rejeki could not be created (because only Allah that created) or was destroyed, only could change from one ‘tangan’ to ‘tangan’ that was other.

Jaya used the term ‘tangan’ so that we find it easy to understand him. Not was like this his incident? Our fortune that ‘lepas’ from our hands, moved to the hands of the other person? During the crisis, some resto the middle class will be closed, on the other side of the food stall was with the customer, true? The seller of the tyre (the wheel) just his turnover descended, while the second-hand tyre was still selling like hot cakes. What next that will be quick-selling? Domestic products will often be enjoyed, because kenaikkan him was not as drastic as the import product. Not that Kekekalan legal proof of fortune? , he said.

By the way, if indeed was like this, meant us might not be frightened. Fortune will always be for anyone who indeed "pursued him". Many that did not want to gather with the business that was undertaken by me on the basis of: 'already many that so member'. But evidently, that just combined in the last six months in fact that gathered a previous month continued to get his fortune (even possibly his mulberry was higher than that was obtained by me). So according to me, true also that fortune could not be created or destroyed because fortune indeed always was and was given by Allah for each slave him (that tried).

In working, the official always according to with what was said by his management. Did not dare to deny it although conscience was the opposite of management words. This because frightened was dismissed, frightened of not having the work. When not having the work, meant to not have the production. Did not have the significant production did not have fortune. Really like that? If being legal earlier was not like this. The fortune was not destroyed, only moved the "hands" then. When being dismissed, possibly the fortune this official moved from him to the other person. When he again tried to look for the work (and got him), new fortune he got.
(salam thank a lot of for you ANITA)


To the teacher not the goal, but the road that were given by Allah were quite exact for me. Because of becoming the teacher was just the same to the prospective occupants of heaven. The teacher held the prophetic mission. Because the teacher had the pupil/group that many, the group was expected to become the useful person. Made good group not was easy. The weight was certainly appropriate with the repayment that was given.

Budi Spoil tren in the class 2b1, because at that time the condition for the life and hope indeed spoil. Like my body like spoil (broken cells)

Certainly the condition changed also. Now has been covered what partly was hoped for. I am grateful with the condition now. That is becoming the professional teacher. Professional because I got the profession certificate, by the group's pay of IV/a and the addition of the profession allowance of the basic salary.

Budi Spoil, in the kick lunged at the life many that were passed through. Since senghsara in the SMA, because of must become his protege of Mr Tarto, the teacher nggambar the SMP 1 Blitar, evidently often received tempaan much knowledge. After passing then was different from the friend of the other Pomegranate. Could him only looked for the association of the service. Meet Ikhsanul Habib, in the Post Office in 10 big, finally fell and Habib katut (had taken) to Bandung, although falling also because colour-blind.

My same year must the work in Solo, finally could have gone to class in UNS. Solo made use of time was active in Journalism et cetera. That were absorbed and are useful till now. Intelligence in determining the choice. Including choosing the wife of buzzing to became the civil servant

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009


AFTER appearing in one show, the Puspa Point rested in the room hotelnya.Tiba-arrived was that mengetuk.Saat the door to the room was opened, evidently the pretty woman who innocently claimed as the commercial sex worker. The arrival to the room of the singer who also was known as the creator of this song only want to released complained-kesah fate as the butterfly malam.Titik although tired apparently wanted listen to was sharing this unfortunate woman. Moreover because of his empathy in 1977 he created one song for the unlucky group. His title of ”Kupu-kupu Malam”. There were those who hated himself, there was those who needed himself, there were those who are kneeling loved him, there were also those who are cruel tortured himself.

Like that the woman who was born in the South Kalimantan Cape, November 1 1937 that depicted the prostitute's noose in his song. He ended the verse of the song poem with: Oh, what happened, happened, that he knew the Lord of the lover umatnya.Oh what happened, terjadilah.Yang he knew only survived.


THERE IS three typical the case of career planning below this. The two parents Susi were the tax consultant who was successful in Semarang. This one of the most basic reasons why Susi that is 28 same years currently to the Consultant of tax

Was different from Dewi's experience, (29 years) that was to become a skilled lawyer since the period of SMA. Howaver after he went to class several months in the Law Faculty, he be forced provided out. The goddess realised evidently went to class in the Law Faculty not alternatif was not in accordance with his choice. Currently he chooses to work in the business of export clothes and evidently Dewi currently enjoyed pekerjan him. So also that happened to Melisa, the Marketing Manager a bank in Semarang this had the abundant pay but he did not enjoy his work (not enjoy with his profession). In fact, he had not wanted to become the career woman as well as delegence the banking field. Originally he only followed the wish of his two parents in order to work in the bank. Currently Melisa unfortunate that became the patient continue to the psychiatrist. He could not overcome his problem.

With the existence of the choice of tens of thousands of increasingly growing work kinds the flower in the community, the task of choosing the work was then increasingly difficult. The task chose the work kind not the minor matter. Not understanding of information, the shortage of knowledge and the experience, proved that the child young needed help also the suggestion from the other person to determine the work that was chosen by him. And although the school counsellor gave information important to choose the work that in accordance with the interest and their talent, but according to Marie Hodge and Jeffe Bliskal in Seven Ways to Help Your Child Choose Career said, parents that most played an important and influential role to his children.

Indetity Interest
Many adolescents that the incorrect usage, felt that they that was absolute determined his step personally in choosing the career. Broke Betts, the psychologist from Easton, Pennsylvania, said that he chose the work was begun from the age entered the class bench of one of SMA. ’’Saya realised that I enjoyed the work when with oang other. I liked to co-operate with the other person. ” parents necessarily helped his sons and daughters with questions along with this:

“Activity what was liked by you, that had an interest taken in him by you, the course what you tekuni, did you like to work with the other person or personally. What your hobby, matters what attracted the interest and hobimu” Nah, start first this would memengaruhi the method chose the career that in accordance with the interest and sons and daughters's talent you. The role of the teacher will in the school, the friend, the acquaintance, as well as the friend play a role also gave the directive and the guidance that were true for sons and daughters.

Give the Guidance, Not Order
Very important that as the final point, finally decisive whether the work that will be chosen by him was on the hands of sons and daughters. Parents's majority often forced his desire personally so that his children choose the work in accordance with their appetite. It was so flat that Patrick M. Donough, Eksekutif Director American Association for Conseling and Development. Parents usually aim profit and loss chose a work. According to Edwin Herr from Pennsylvania State University, just a few parents who gave the decision on the hands of his children personally. This will certainly cause the big problem even the spirit's jolt in children when this choice was wrong. There were two roads, right and left in meilih the career of children's future

The level of the understanding
Children who have been used to live organised more easy and more flexible determined the choice of the work that in accordance with skill and his knowledge. The experience berorgansiasi worked as the volunteer will increase the feeling of the self-confidence and high responsibility. They will realise important loved the work that was produced by them with his exertion personally. Work part time or small-scale efforts, apart from giving the experience beharga also made them more was interested working with his hands personally. Not spoilt and only menadahkan the hands to parents. To the writer, the radio transmitter, the singer, MC, and bisni parsel this was the good exercise.

Thoughts of the future
Many work projects that were offered in tren the business now. This increasingly will cause difficulties for in determining the choice worked. The government then opened the opportunity of working in the agency or the government company. However this still did not satisfy. Competence in working increasingly sharply.

Children usually more heed his suggestion of the favourite teacher in the school, career conselor or parents who it was considered could give the exact answer when they were confused to determine the work kind. Ms Iwan (Semarang) complained, Putra him that was 17 years old this apparently did not care about the future. However in fact Iwan had the problem. He did not know how began to choose the profession that will be chosen.

Actually Iwan has had the choice of the profession (was chosen-pilih him), but did not dare to reveal him to his parents. Iwan was frightened and felt his choice will disappoint his parents.

Senin, 02 Februari 2009


Politeness (politeness), kesopansantunan, or the label was the conduct, the tradition, or the habit that was valid in the community. Politeness was the behavior rule that was appointed and agreed together to by a certain community so as politeness at the same time became the prerequisite that was agreed to by the social behavior. Therefore, this politeness is normally mentioned “tatakrama”.

Was based on this understanding, politeness could be seen from various aspects in the everyday association. Firstly, politeness showed the attitude that contained the value or the label of good manners in the everyday association. When the person was it was said well-mannered, then in himself someone that was drawn by the value or the current value of the label of good manners well in the place community someone that megambil the part as his member. When he was it was said well-mannered, the community gave the value to him, both the assessment was carried out in a manner instantly (suddenly) and conventionally (long, took up a lot of time). It is certain that, the assessment in this long process more perpetuated the value that was given to him. Secondly, politeness was very contextual, that is current in the community, the place, or the certain situation, but not necessarily was current happy the community, the place, or the other situation. When someone met the intimate friend, might he used words that was rather rough with the loud voice, but that was not well-mannered if being aimed at the guest or someone who just was known. Tasted or digested food with the mouth

Fourthly, politeness was reflected in the clothed method (high-fashion), the method did (acted), and the method spoke (spoke).